From pearl to dark gray with dove-coloured shade

From pale to dark bronze with golden sheen

From pale green to grayish anthracite

From pale green to awesome silvery grey

Best taste
way to keep the unique natural taste
The sturgeon complex “Aquatir” is a modern enterprise for the breeding of sturgeon species by using the latest achievements and technologies in the field of sturgeon breeding, which makes the complex perfect and environmentally friendly. We produce high quality products that meet international standards.
sq.m. the total area
kg. caviar a year
Delivery points
kg. weight of fish
Special taste and the best quality
To maintain the health and stable productivity of sturgeon fish, we use only high-quality feed containing all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins, without hormones, antibiotics and GMOs.

Each row is perfect not mushy at all and the taste real beluga caviar with grayish color.
We were advised to order here to have a real caviar experience and we got it!

caviar cards
Information for experts

Caviar Card
Beluga Caviar
- Produced by Huso huso. Caspian population.
- Origin Bred in aquaculture
- Grain colour From pearl to dark gray with dove-coloured shade
- Grain size up to 3,5 mm
- Taste Fine rich flavor, melts in your mouth
- Ingredients Caviar, salt
- Storage temperature From -2 to -4 0Ñ
- Shelf life 8 months – MALOSSOL; 4 months – CLASSIC
Beluga claims the title of the largest passing fish, and its caviar is considered to be a particularly valuable delicacy.
Beluga caviar of our production is glossy selected eggs, which differ in large size 3-4 mm and pearly black color.
We produce natural black caviar in the following range:
CLASSIC – non-pasteurized caviar of a gentle consistency, which has undergone minimal processing - salting.
MALOSSOL - pasteurized caviar is additionally subjected to gentle thermal treatment, which allows to extend the shelf life, while maintaining high quality.
The products are packed under vacuum in both glass and crystal jars (from 1 to 4 ounces), and in tins (10, 20, 50, 250, 500 and 1000 grams).
In 100 g of product:
Nutritional value: proteins: 23 ± 2 g. and fats: 17 ± 2 g. Energy value: 235 kcal.
Ingredients: Beluga caviar, salt.
СShelf life:
CLASSIC - 4 months, MALOSSOL - 8 months.
Store at-2 to-4 ° C.
Open the jar to store in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +6 ° C not more than 48 hours.
Attention! Following classical caviar production traditions, we use only salt, no preservatives, additives, GMO.

Caviar Card
Russian Sturgeon Caviar
- Produced by Acipencer guldenstaedtii. Caspian population.
- Origin Bred in aquaculture
- Grain colour From pale to dark bronze with golden sheen
- Grain size up to 2,5 mm
- Taste Elegant flavour with a tender hint of nut
- Ingredients Caviar, salt
- Storage temperature From -2 to -4 0Ñ
- Shelf life 8 months – MALOSSOL; 4 months – CLASSIC
Superior quality of “Aquatir” Ltd. caviar is the result of the traditional Russian Caviar Art and ecologically sustainable technologies that our experts apply.
Our range can satisfy tastes of the most experienced gourmets. "Aquatir" Ltd. is proud to offer you natural black caviar of Russian sturgeon in the following assortment:
CLASSIC - « Non-pasteurized granular sturgeon fish caviar » - with minimal salting processing that keeps its absolute pure taste, has light odor, tender consistency and luxurious flavor bouquet.
MALOSSOL - «Pasteurized granular sturgeon fish caviar» - exposed to gentle thermal processing that allows prolonging shelf life of caviar, preserving its delicate odor and unique taste.
All caviar is vacuum packed in glass and crystal jars (1 oz to 4 oz), and in tins of bigger volume so that perfect aroma and flavor of natural sturgeon caviar is carefully kept for you.
Ingredients: caviar of Russian sturgeon, salt.
Shelf life: 8 months.
Keep refrigerated at all times: from - 2 to - 4ºC.
Opened jar keep at temperatures from 0 to + 6ºC not more than 48h.
We work in close collaboration with our customers and always take into consideration their taste preferences when producing our caviar.

Caviar Card
Bester Caviar
- Produced by Huso huso x Acipencer ruthenus. Caspian x Volgian
- Origin Bred in aquaculture
- Grain colour From pale green to grayish anthracite
- Grain size around 2 mm
- Taste Distinct flavour, full of nuances
- Ingredients Caviar, salt
- Storage temperature From -2 to -4 0Ñ
- Shelf life 8 months – MALOSSOL; 4 months – CLASSIC
Superior quality of “Aquatir” Ltd. caviar is the result of the traditional Russian Caviar Art and ecologically sustainable technologies that our experts apply.
Our range can satisfy tastes of the most experienced gourmets. "Aquatir" Ltd. is proud to offer you natural black caviar of bester in the following assortment:
CLASSIC - « Non-pasteurized granular sturgeon fish caviar » - with minimal salting processing that keeps its absolute pure taste, has light odor, tender consistency and luxurious flavor bouquet.
MALOSSOL - «Pasteurized granular sturgeon fish caviar» - exposed to gentle thermal processing that allows prolonging shelf life of caviar, preserving its delicate odor and unique taste.
All caviar is vacuum packed in glass and crystal jars (1 oz to 4 oz), and in tins of bigger volume so that perfect aroma and flavor of natural sturgeon caviar is carefully kept for you.
Ingredients: caviar of bester, salt.
Shelf life: 8 months.
Keep refrigerated at all times: from - 2 to - 4ºC.
Opened jar keep at temperatures from 0 to + 6ºC not more than 48h.
We work in close collaboration with our customers and always take into consideration their taste preferences when producing our caviar.

Caviar Card
Sterlet Caviar
- Produced by Acipenser ruthenus. Volgian population.
- Origin Bred in aquaculture.
- Grain colour From pale green to silvery grey
- Grain size up to 1,5 mm
- Taste Delicate mild flavour
- Ingredients Caviar, salt
- Storage temperature From -2 to -4 0Ñ
- Shelf life 8 months – MALOSSOL; 4 months – CLASSIC
Superior quality of “Aquatir” Ltd. caviar is the result of the traditional Russian Caviar Art and ecologically sustainable technologies that our experts apply.
Range can satisfy tastes of the most experienced gourmets. "Aquatir" Ltd. is proud to offer you natural black caviar of sterlet in the following assortment:
CLASSIC - « Non-pasteurized granular sturgeon fish caviar » - with minimal salting processing that keeps its absolute pure taste, has light odor, tender consistency and luxurious flavor bouquet.
MALOSSOL - «Pasteurized granular sturgeon fish caviar» - exposed to gentle thermal processing that allows prolonging shelf life of caviar, preserving its delicate odor and unique taste.
All caviar is vacuum packed in glass and crystal jars (1 oz to 4 oz), and in tins of bigger volume so that perfect aroma and flavor of natural sturgeon caviar is carefully kept for you.
Ingredients: caviar of sterlet, salt.
Shelf life: 8 months.
Keep refrigerated at all times: from - 2 to - 4ºC.
Opened jar keep at temperatures from 0 to + 6ºC not more than 48h.
We work in close collaboration with our customers and always take into consideration their taste preferences when producing our caviar.