“Aquatir” Ltd. confirmed compliance of the management system
This year our enterprise has been certified on compliance to the standard requirements of FSSC 22000 that is based on the international ISO 22000:2005 standard, HACCP principles and obligatory preliminary conditions that are described in ISO/TS 22002-1:2009.
FSSC 22000 represents one of the most comprehensive certification schemes of food safety for enterprises involved in production of foodstuff. FSSC 22000 is supported by CIAA – European Food and Drink Association of the European Union and GMA – American Groceries Manufacturing Association and is completely recognized as GFSI and bodies on accreditation around the world.
Within several days our enterprise was very carefully studied from the point of view of work of all structural divisions: the enterprise review concerning scope and structure changes, examined documentation and compulsory procedures; compliances of requirements to administration of documents and notes; implementation of legislative requirements, observance of normative documents, working spaces, waste disposals, service of the equipment, management of bought materials, prevention of cross contamination, personal hygiene, etc.
The special attention was paid to direct production operations: processing, procedure of product recall, warehousing, information on product and awareness of the consumer, and also to protection of food products, bioterrorism and vigilance.
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